Make sure wildlife has access to water.  If it’s likely to freeze, putting a floating object, like a small ball, in the water.  You can also add warm water to melt the ice.

Bird feeders and bird baths should be cleaned before refilling to prevent the spread of diseases such as avian pox.

Clean out bird boxes ready for the new breeding season.  It’s best to do this during the day as some birds may be using the boxes for roosting overnight.

If you would like to support early pollinators, such as bees, you can plant winter and early spring flowering plants to give these early risers something to keep them going.  Suitable plants include:

  • Crocus
  • Snowdrops

Above: crocus and snowdrops

  • Primulas
  • Pulmonaria (Lungwort)
  • Mahonia
  • Sarcoccoca confusa
  • Hellebore (Christmas/Lenten rose)

Ivy, if left uncut, will flower providing a vital source of nectar for the solitary Ivy bee.  Ivy pollen is also used by honey bees in late autumn.

Above: ivy